Jenifer stands up and turns to face the crowd in front of her. "Hello. My name is Jenifer and I am an
Etsy addict."
It's true. It's a fact I tried to deny for so long now, but my family has seen it for a while and I have finally come to terms and have opened my eyes to the truth.
It all started so innocently. I dabbled with a shop like so many people, just to try and see what it was like. Then I started to get a sale or two. Man, that feeling was just incredible. I thought that I could be good with that feeling every now and then, but then the sales started coming in more frequently. I quickly discovered that the more sales I got, the more sales I wanted. It was never enough! Watching those number of sales go up just gets my heart pumping and I just want to shout "
WOOOHOOOO!!", and I often do!
I use to only renew once or twice a day, but my renewing habit has quickly grown to 10 to 13 times a day, and I have to "check" my shop at least 1 or 2 times in between each of those renewals.
I stay up till ALL hours of the night just to catch an elusive treasury!
When I was at an art show the other day, I spent half of my time dying to check my shop and to renew something. I've even convinced my husband that I'll eventually have to buy a Blackberry so that I can maintain my habit even while I'm out.
Every time Etsy is down for
maintenance, I watch those same silly videos for HOURS, then I go to Twitter and tweet about
Etsy being down and I go to the
SJA forum and post about how much it sucks!
I live
Etsy, I sleep
Etsy, I daydream
Etsy, I talk
Etsy. I truly am 100% completely and utterly addicted to
My poor family. I feel bad that they should have to live with this addiction. Guess I'll have to go browsing on
Etsy to find them all some fabulous handmade make-up gifts!
Enjoy our lives, fellow
Etsy addicts! I know I sure do!!!